Welcome to the first Relic Raiders development blog! Our goal is to give you an insider’s look into our game’s progress. We’ll show you changes to current game play mechanics and new features as their implemented. We hope you enjoy the peek into the game development process and stay tuned for more updates!

What’s new? Take a look…


One of the largest changes we are working on with the game is all animations across all characters which are being refined and retooled.
Here’s a look at Aria’s new jump:


Colour Laser Change:

We changed how the aiming laser works by changing the colour of the laser from red to green when it comes into contact with an opposing player.

Adding a better visual queue to the ranged attacks will allow players to get a better feel for aiming and accuracy. We feel this change will provide a better game experience and more instant response when attacking from range.


Tutorial Map:

We are currently developing an exciting tutorial for the game. This concept illustration for the map is the first element we have yet to share of our intro level.


Relic Breakout:

Gone are the days when the relic was a free for all grab and dash! Now the relic is encased in a capsule at the beginning of the match. Players will have to attack and break open the casing to grab the relic. We are eager to see tensions flare as teams battle each other and obtain the relic for themselves right from the start of the match.


Camera Depth Fade:

As we develop more diverse and complicated maps we have now implemented a camera depth fade. Now terrain and objects in front of your character will fade, allowing you to maintain site of your surroundings.


These are just a few of the exciting changes in the works right now. There’s more to come and show over the coming weeks. If you want to see some sneak peaks into the weekly blog then follow our social accounts for Relic Raiders:

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook

We hope you enjoy seeing some of the new changes and learning what is being worked on here in the studio.