Some Raiders plan to use relics to augment their weapons - Lock-On plans to use relics to augment himself. He's already off to a great start: the quantum engine fused to his spine allows him to create rifts in space-time and teleport short distances. Combined with the experimental weapon augmentations snaking through the rest of his body like a cybernetic cancer, Lock-On is a precise, silent, long-range assassin. But he wasn't always a killing machine, he was a regular man once, until he decided to steal his tribe's most valued relic, fuse it to his body, and escape into the wilds. Now, he craves ever more advanced augmentations in a narcissistic quest to become the most powerful man alive.

Lock-On uses his helmet to calculate aim assist his shots. It's referred to as Lock-On's "aim-bot" by jealous types. (Tap Y to switch targets, RB to shoot until clip depleted)

Teleports Lock-On a short distance through walls and other objects. It leaves a metallic taste in one's mouth after use. (Hold Y to aim, and release to teleport)

While in the air, Lock-On creates a spray of bullets in front of him at a downward angle. The resulting back-flip isn't for flair, but because of the recoil.


Some Raiders plan to use relics to augment their weapons - Lock-On plans to use relics to augment himself. He's already off to a great start: the quantum engine fused to his spine allows him to create rifts in space-time and teleport short distances. Combined with the experimental weapon augmentations snaking through the rest of his body like a cybernetic cancer, Lock-On is a precise, silent, long-range assassin. But he wasn't always a killing machine, he was a regular man once, until he decided to steal his tribe's most valued relic, fuse it to his body, and escape into the wilds. Now, he craves ever more advanced augmentations in a narcissistic quest to become the most powerful man alive.

Lock-On uses his helmet to calculate aim assist his shots. It's referred to as Lock-On's "aim-bot" by jealous types. (Tap Y to switch targets, RB to shoot until clip depleted)

Teleports Lock-On a short distance through walls and other objects. It leaves a metallic taste in one's mouth after use. (Hold Y to aim, and release to teleport)

While in the air, Lock-On creates a spray of bullets in front of him at a downward angle. The resulting back-flip isn't for flair, but because of the recoil.